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At York Hearing Clinic, we understand that everyone’s hearing journey is unique. That’s why we are committed to providing you with personalized care and attention.

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What Our Patients Say About Us

Mark Roberts

Mark became aware of his hearing loss while teaching his students. He says, “As a high school science teacher, I noticed that I kept asking students to repeat their questions, especially... read more

Cathy Bartolic

Cathy was struggling with her husband’s hearing loss, which she says “came on gradually.”She explains, “It took literally years for me to convince my husband that he should at least get his hearing... read more

Deborah Halls

Deborah was concerned that her hearing loss would negatively change her life forever.“My family and friends began to notice and I felt they were sometimes frustrated. I hated that,” she recalls... read more

Your Hearing Health Resources

While the other options tend to be more sales focused, hearing care from a local hearing care professional is focused on your hearing health rather than selling you a hearing aid.

What Options Do You Have for Addressing Hearing Loss in 2025?

Have you searched online for hearing aids recently? If so, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by...

Announcing the Winners of Our 2024 Hear for the Holidays Giveaway!

Hear for the Holidays is our annual initiative to share some gratitude for our community...
Could Hearing Aids Help You Live Longer

Could Hearing Aids Help You Live Longer?

Besides Helping You Hear Better, Hearing Aids May Help You Live Longer Hearing aids help...