While the other options tend to be more sales focused, hearing care from a local hearing care professional is focused on your hearing health rather than selling you a hearing aid.

What Options Do You Have for Addressing Hearing Loss in 2025?

by | Jan 21, 2025 | Hearing Aids, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Have you searched online for hearing aids recently? If so, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by the options available, ranging in price from less than $100 to several thousand dollars. 

The confusion about your treatment options typically comes from not fully understanding what you are getting for the money you spend. As we forge ahead in 2025, I want to help provide clarity regarding the different options available so you can make an informed choice. 

Keep in mind that treating your hearing loss is an investment into your future and not something to be taken lightly. As hearing care professionals at York Hearing Clinic, we are thrilled that you are taking the first steps to improving your hearing health and we want to encourage you to continue toward the best possible hearing outcomes. 

Factors to Consider Before Making a Choice 

There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for treating your hearing loss. 

Have you taken a moment to consider exactly what you expect from the treatment solution you choose? Asking yourself the following questions can help guide your choice: 

  • What hearing challenges am I experiencing? 
  • How severe is my hearing loss? 
  • Do I want/need professional support or can I handle this on my own? 
  • Is in-person support a valuable part of hearing care to me? 
  • Is cost a primary or secondary factor in my decision-making process? 

Knowing what you’re looking for helps you discover the treatment options that are right for you. So, let’s look at what is available to address hearing loss in 2025. 

What Is Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss?

The definition of mild hearing loss is a deficiency of 25 to 40 decibels (dB). This level of hearing loss is characterized by struggling to understand conversations when there is background noise, but otherwise being able to enjoy a one-on-one conversation. 

With moderate hearing loss, you might have to ask others to repeat themselves on a regular basis, even when there is no background noise, and you will struggle with understanding conversations over the phone as well. The measured deficiency of moderate hearing loss is between 40 and 69 dB. 

PSAPs (Personal Sound Amplification Products)

PSAPs are not classified as hearing aids. Instead, they are an amplification tool designed to amplify the sounds around you in specific environments. 

You can purchase PSAPs without a hearing test or prescription. Customization options with PSAPs are limited, and they tend to amplify all sounds equally. 

The range of prices you will see with this option is from $79 to $1250 and they are certified or regulated by consumer organizations (the same companies that regulate electric razors and other electronic gadgets) instead of healthcare agencies.  

Prescription Treatment Options for Hearing Loss in 2025 

One of the main benefits of prescription hearing aids is the fact that they are designed to address the full range of hearing loss severities, from mild to profound, and are certified to address them in accordance with Canada Health guidelines.  

Like prescription medications, these hearing aids require a prescription from a hearing care professional, so you will have to have a hearing test and/or consultation with a doctor of audiology or hearing instrument specialist to purchase them. 

Prescription devices are programmed to accommodate your hearing deficiency, but the level of accuracy and customization will vary depending on the service provider. Warranties, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair are standard support services for prescription hearing aids, but they will vary depending on the manufacturer. 

Each treatment option will come with varying degrees of professional support. 

Hearing Solutions From Big-Box Retail Stores

This treatment option gives you access to prescription hearing aids from a reputable manufacturer and personal assistance in the hearing aid centre at your local Costco, Sam’s Club, and other large retail chain stores. 

You’ll receive an in-person hearing evaluation from a hearing care professional. You will also get a fitting and some basic programming adjustments, though these will be more generic than customized options. 

You will have a loss/damage replacement warranty with your hearing aids, technical support, and repair services, but they will follow a retail model rather than a local, personalized service model. 

All in all, with this option you are getting decent hearing care service with prescription hearing aids to address all hearing loss levels for between $1250 and $4000, but there are a lot of things missing when compared to the third option in this category. 

Hearing Care From a Local Professional

To be sure, you are likely to invest more using this treatment option than any of the others. However, the value built into the $2500–$7500 price point is far superior to that of the less expensive options. 

While the other options tend to be more sales focused, hearing care from a local hearing care professional is focused on your hearing health rather than selling you a hearing aid. Other providers will assume that you need a hearing aid, but a local hearing care professional will explore other causes and treatment options as well. 

Comprehensive hearing assessments with a hearing care professional include a physical examination of your ears to rule out causes that hearing aids are not designed to address.  

In addition, your hearing assessment will provide the data needed to customize your hearing aids to address your unique needs.  

Ongoing adjustments, often using real-ear sound mapping, are standard follow-up care and include value added services like: 

  • Personalized counselling while you acclimate to your hearing aids 
  • Deep cleaning 
  • Maintenance 
  • Troubleshooting  
  • Ongoing testing to evaluate hearing aid performance 

Another advantage to this treatment option is the availability of a broad selection of the industry’s best hearing aid technology from the world’s best hearing aid manufacturers, allowing you to achieve the perfect fit. Finally, you may be able to use your health insurance to help with hearing aid and/or hearing care costs with this treatment option. 

Hearing Loss Prevention

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Your hearing care professionals at York Hearing Clinic not only help treat your hearing loss, but we also help prevent it. We are distributors of high-technology products to protect your hearing wherever you work or play. 

Best of all, your hearing protection can be customized for the best seal and most comfortable fit, ensuring that you get the most benefit. Find out more about our custom hearing products by clicking here. 

Making Your Choice Count 

We respect the choices you make as you work toward addressing your hearing challenges. You are already taking a positive step by investigating the options available.  

Price and convenience are great, but they should not be the most important factors in driving an important healthcare decision with ongoing consequences for your overall health and quality of life. 

Come in for a hearing assessment at York Hearing Clinic and learn more about how we go the extra mile to ensure that you enjoy better hearing for life. Use this link to start your better hearing journey today or give us a call at the clinic nearest you in Newmarket: (905) 953-9991 or Aurora: (905) 841-2850. 

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Mike Foulis, HIS

Born and raised in Newmarket, Mike opened York Hearing Clinic in 2011. His passion is helping people achieve better hearing through a personal approach to hearing care and finding the best technology for their needs. Mike is a Registered member of the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario (AHIP) and a registered Hearing Aid Authorizer & Dispenser with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Assistive Devices Program (ADP).
